As 2012 comes to a close, this nostalgic gal finds herself with an overflowing heart and an abundance of gratitude and excitement! It’s so incredible to consider how much impact one year can have. It can change your course. Bring so many new people into your life. Open your eyes and heart to new experiences, possibilities, and friends. To the wonderful couples who have allowed me to be a part of your lives, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all are a group of really special people. Getting to know you as you plan your wedding, and changing the word ‘client’ to ‘friend’, is really one of the best parts about this. Watching each of you say ‘I Do’ really is a real life fairy tale come true for this wedding photographer. Every single one of you are truly amazing and I can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store for you!
I work in one of the most welcoming, collaborative, inspiring wedding photographer communities in the country, and it’s chock full of positive, supportive colleagues. New York City wedding photographers, Tri-State area wedding photographers (and Richmond too!), planners, venues and creatives, you are phenomenal. Getting to know these people has been one of the best things about 2012. Jasmine Star, if it weren’t for you and The Fix, I wouldn’t have found my people…my friends…where I belong. These folks have helped my business grow more than I could have ever expected, and they have become dear friends. Dane Sanders and your Fast Track groups…well, you rock…as do all of the Fast Track groups in the Tri-State area. And to all of the photographers who have invited me to second shoot with them, to the ‘advice-givers’, to the ‘back-patters’, the cheerleaders (you all know who you are)…thank YOU!
This year was nothing short of amazing, and I could not be more exited to share it with you, nor to look to the coming year. I already have so many WONDERFUL couples that I am getting to know and working with as they prepare to say ‘I Do’ in 2013. And well, if this year was any indicator of what’s to come, I am one lucky girl! So with a grateful heart, I say CHEERS to you and your family as we welcome 2013!!
Fordham University + the Bronx Zoo Wedding // Bronx, NY // with Tessie Reveliotis Photography
Suzanne + Brendan // FEAST at Round Hill Wedding // Washingtonville, NY

Yale University + Guiliford Yacht Club Wedding // Yale, CT // with Frost Photography

Mikkel - You’re amazing! Love, love! Love it all.
claire Gardiner - Awesome pics Angela! You do such fabulous work!
Michelle - What a beautiful year for you Angela! I can’t wait to see what 2013 brings 🙂
judy pak - love love love! you capture emotion so beautifully!