9.11 Memorial | New York City

This summer I visited the 9/11 Memorial with my mom and Rob. I’ve seen it on tv. I’ve walked by it, driven by it, thought about it. But being there was different. Standing on that hallowed ground, running my hands over the names engraved in metal, listening to the water as it dropped below me into the footprint pool of each building. It was moving. It’s something I can’t really explain. I wanted to look up each name. Know their story and what made them laugh and who they loved and the things they enjoyed in their life. Reading name after name and googling story after story…it was my way to say that each of them deserves to be remembered. Each of them matters. And so today, as I sit in my upper west side apartment, living my own story that is so similar to many of theirs, I appreciate the day in front of me, the gift I am given to live it to the fullest, and I honor them and their families. I hope that their loved ones are leaning not on their own understanding, but on something greater. Finding a peace that surpasses all understanding…

Film scans by Indie Film Lab

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