Angela Newton Roy Photography bio picture
  • Hi there and welcome!

    I am a photographer based in Northern VA, specializing in Interiors, Brands, and capturing the love of a family on medium format film. Having earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in Interior Design from Virginia Commonwealth University and being a photographer for 8 years, I’ve been able to blend my love for capturing a feeling through an image with my love for spaces, people, and stories. Whether it’s the feeling of being inside a beautifully designed place, the feeling of a brand’s story and how it draws people in, or the feeling of a 3 year old’s tiny arms wrapped around their mother and the impossible joy felt at hearing their sweet giggle, my heart connects with each one of these and translates it into imagery that has soul and evokes emotion. I believe in telling a story, beautiful light, gratitude, and always seeing the beauty in life and in others.


OOOH-MY-SUNSHINE! When it comes to photographing in the  glow that is the California golden hour, this first timer was in H-E-A-V-E-N. I was mentally packing up my New York City home with every click of the shutter, and formulating a plan for how to get my husband and my two beloved pups to ship out west. (And yes…you too Mom) 🙂  It’s dreamy. It’s scrumptious. And I just want to roll around in it.

The only thing that outshone the beauty of the golden sunlight was the beauty of these gorgeous gals. With Knapps Castle in Santa Barbara as the most perfect backdrop, they looked like princesses who leapt off of the pages of a storybook. Definitely great for providing some dreamy wedding inspiration. A huge thank you to Christianne Taylor for organizing such an outstanding styled shoot! You put SO much hard work into this and I am so grateful!


I just got back from UNITED by Showit in Santa Barbara, and WOW, was it great. UNITED is a photography conference hosted by Showit, bringing together ‘Showiteers’ from all over the world to connect, grow, share…and hug (A LOT). We did all of that and so much more. I recently became a Showit user (AKA Showiteer) when I launched my new website. I didn’t know what I was getting into when I purchased my ticket, I was just EXCITED when my friends Amy Rizzuto and Caroline Frost told me about it! Excited to become a part of a community I heard so much about. Excited to learn and grow. And just a wee bit excited to go to California and escape this NYC cold (can I get an Amen from my East Coasters for warm weather in February?). I packed my bags, boarded my flight, and arrived at LAX to make my way to the Four Seasons in Santa Barbara.

I should have known it was going to be pretty awesome from the first two hours in. I traveled to Santa Barbara serendipitously with the lovely Lauren Wakefield of Chicago. This girl? She is amazing. Easily one of the coolest people I have met in a long time. You know when you meet someone, and they just make you excited to listen and talk to them, and they really impress you, and then you develop a little crush on them (in a non-creepy way of course)? That is how I felt about Lauren. Read her blog and you will see – AMAZING.

Honestly, I did so much learning, laughing, happy-crying, and shooting that it was kind of daunting to think about what I would write in a post. I wanted to find the perfect words to sum up all the heart-filling goodness I experienced. So…I decided I am going to break it down into several posts, because I want to share as much as I can, and I want to transfer this incredible surge of inspiration I garnered from UNITED.  Somewhere between listening to Katelyn JamesZach and Jody GrayMike LarsonKevin HullJustin and Mary, Karen and Isaac Stott, Trevor Daley, and so many other insightful photographers, my heart became full. I knew I was among a group of really caring and special people.

At UNITED I gained a whole new appreciation for putting systems into place within one’s business (I need another Amen for this). For opening up and really sharing who I am on my blog (even though this feels kind of scary for  me). I saw that the Showit community is based on the idea of SERVING others and the word Genshai, which means never treating another person in a manner that would make them feel small. (I REALLY, REALLY loved this, as it is truly how I try to live my life every day). Another one of my biggest takeaways was the notion of asking the big questions of yourself. Sometimes these questions can seem so obvious when listed out, but it’s the asking that really provokes some of the most important introspection. It’s knowing WHY you are doing what you are doing, the PURPOSE behind it all, and then building your business upon these values that is so important.

So…I can’t wait to do just that in the coming weeks! But for now, I will leave you with a few of my favorite images from several shoots at UNITED, followed by some pretty Santa Barbara beauty! I can’t wait to share all the beautiful images from the styled shoots organized by Josh Newton, Stacy Childers, Chad DiBlasio, and Christianne Taylor!

Aren’t Santa Barbara and the Four Seasons Biltmore gorgeous?!!??

My sweet and pretty roommate, Cherie Murashigie!

  • Susannah - Lovely photos Angela! I am so excited for you to have this experience and to get away to warmer weather. YAY!ReplyCancel

  • judy pak - i die!!! these are incredibly gorgeous! nice work angela!ReplyCancel

  • MIkkel - I think this is some of your best work yet. GORGEOUS!ReplyCancel

    • Angela - Thank you so much Mikkel, Judy, and Susannah!! I CAN’T WAIT to share all of the images form the styled shoots this week. California light is to die for!!ReplyCancel

  • Amanda - Beautiful work!!!! can’t wait to hear all about it.ReplyCancel

  • Lauren - Angela, these photos are beautiful! They make me want to move to Santa Barbara… 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Amy Rizzuto - What a beautiful post Angela! Such a heartfelt and honest description of what UNITED was all about! AMEN for sunshine and warm weather in February! Can we go back tomorrow?! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Cassi Claire - OHMYGOSH! I’M MOVING! I LOOOVE THESE!!ReplyCancel

  • Lauren Wakefield - You are so sweet! I’m so glad we ended up on that hot, smelly airbus together! Definitely serendipitous. I’m just so glad i got the chance to know you and for the record…I totally have a non-creepy crush on you too! 🙂ReplyCancel